Got Game Sports

Got Game Sports Got Game Sports
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Los Angeles, CA





Session Lengths

1, 9 weeks

Got Game Sports Overview

Get Game Sports was a concept that was transplanted from a beginning back in 2004. Coach K (Korey Kalman) decided to develop the idea of combining childcare, teaching, and physical activities.

The sports camps facilities are located in and around the greater Los Angeles area. Camp locations include Hancock Park, West LA, Mid-Wilshire, and San Fernando Valley. Many of the camps are located at elementary schools such as Hancock Park Elementary, Third Street Elementary, Gardner, and Melrose.

At their sports summer camps, campers separate into different age groups from 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, and 13+. There are both day and virtual camps and in regular times, field trips are offered.

Get Game Sports offers a wide range of activities in their daily schedules, including traditional sports, water play, original games, and special activities such as on-site surprises and collaborative projects which span arts/sciences and other areas.

Got Game Camp prides itself on the energy and vitality it brings to its camps. Highly trained and passionate counselors provide enough support at their weeklong sessions.