Fitness By the Sea Day Camp


Los Angeles, CA





Session Lengths

1 weeks

Fitness By the Sea Day Camp Overview

Fitness By the Sea Day Camp offers youngsters a beach experience close to home they won't forget. There are four locations for Fitness By the Sea – Pacific Palisades, Santa Monica, Bel Air Bay Club and Jonathan Club.

Pacific Palisades, the largest camp, is at Will Rogers Beach. All the camps are between 2 miles of each other. Fitness By the Sea Day Camps offer the traditional camp experience to children ages 4 to 14. Typical camp hours are from 9 AM to 3 PM.

It was the first beach camp in the area to allow campers to choose from a menu option of nearly 50 activities, many of them focused around sea and water related activities. There is a counselor for every six kids, so there is plenty of hand holding to help children develop a level of comfort with the sea.

There are also a plethora of team activities such as soccer, volleyball and basketball at the summer programs. For the individualists, there are a range of choices – from yoga to fencing to martial arts. For the quieter kids, creative arts and individual time are forever an attraction – options include arts & crafts, dance, magic shows, face painting and card games.