Don Quijote Spanish Language Learning


Multiple locations, Spain





Session Lengths

1 weeks

Don Quijote Spanish Language Learning Overview

Don Quijote Spanish Language Learning has one of the widest selections of summer camps to choose from including resident overnight camps, day camps, and a homestay program. Children worldwide from ages 5-18 are welcome to attend with around 60% of kids being right from Spain.

This is a unique opportunity for children to mingle and converse with locals and establish a meaningful and lasting connection with someone in their homeland. In addition to various camp formats, Don Quijote Spanish Language Learning also offers several locations, with 8 campuses throughout the country. Children who attend multiple sessions can opt for different stays every time or set themselves up to get to know one specific location.

The camp experience is very similar to a traditional summer camp, with an offering of workshops in things like robotics, entrepreneurship, and creativity. There are also ample opportunities to participate in sports such as soccer, tennis, golf, and horseback riding.