Camp Wilkes Inc


Biloxi, MS



Session Lengths

1 weeks

Camp Wilkes Inc Overview

More than 80 acres of space await kids who attend Camp Wilkes Inc. The summer camp is situated in Biloxi. It's dotted with appealing amenities and facilities like a large swimming pool, picnic tables, fire pits, an outdoor amphitheater, and a natural shoreline.

Dating back to 1938, Camp Wilkes was originally established to provide local Scout groups with a place to take part in outdoor activities. Today, it's open to any family, group, or organization who wishes to use the accommodation, kitchen, and leisure facilities.

Camp Wilkes can sleep up to around 250 people or provide picnic space for much more. Basic camping is also provided, but only to Scouts by prior agreement. In addition to private bookings, the camp also hosts regular events. These run from relaxed getaway weekends to more active occasions like a duathlon held on water and in the woods.