Solon, IA
Session Lengths
5 weeks
Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca Overview
Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca began in the 1960s to promote the word of God through fun experiences in nature, individually and as a team. This established camp has a swimming pool, athletic field, and full-time employees in Solon.
From kindergarten to 12th grade, all students have a place and activities prepared for them. Younger students can start their camp experience with a day camp that runs Monday through Friday to build confidence before moving on to overnight camps. Each gives a unique experience by focusing on specialized skills and learning new concepts while embracing Lutheran values.
Your child can spend time outside cooking meals around a campfire and enjoying the wilderness while growing closer to God. They can engage in sports-focused activities, horseback riding, or get a break from the outside world. They'll have a blast making memories with friends with similar values and be excited to return year after year.